The headings and marginal notes in these Conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract. 本条款中的标题和旁注不应视为合同本文的一部分,在对合同条款或合同本身的解释或构词中也不应考虑这些标题和旁注。
There he found everything arranged in due order,& the accusation, examination, morrel's petition, villefort's marginal notes. 他发现一切都原封不动的在那儿,那封告密信,判决书,莫雷尔的请愿书,维尔福先生的按语。
In Seville there is a copy of the Travels with marginal notes by Columbus. 在塞维利亚现在还保留着一本《行纪》,页边空白处是哥伦布做的笔记。
Marginal note: Reference notes set in a smaller point size than the text and put in the margin. The use of marginal note is equivalent to the "head note" in traditional Chinese vertical style of setting text for book works. 栏外注:参考注解,用较内文细小的字体排在书页白边上.栏外注相等于传统的中文直排本的眉批。
She sat in his study reading his books and pondering his marginal notes. 她坐在他的书房里阅读他的书籍,并思索着他在书页上写下的旁注。